The gold diamond is ready to #BREAKTHESOUNDBARRIERS

Trusting in a big dream means fighting, falling, thinking, changing, reinvent yourself.
I'm here to tell you a story. The story of someone who has not given up.

Have you ever imagined a place where you can share your feelings, your talent, your ideas, showing your competence and finding contacts for the finalization of your projects?
Creativity needs a safe place where new ideas can be shared, valued and protected.

A single arrow can easily be broken, a bundle of them can go for a breakthrough.

Music Industry issues: Nowadays the success of a music product can’t exclude the connection among a myriad of roles: musicians, DJs, audio engineers, composers, record labels and many more. In order to be different a project requires a lot of skills. A lot of time. A lot of people.

Music Professionals call for a digital workplace where great talents living miles away from each others can team up and develop successful projects streamlining their timing. Music community deeply needs a designed business platform to outsource work, crowdsource new talents and find contacts.

Clockbeats is the result of a wide dream: building a home with no walls, no barriers, no prejudices. The home of artists.